1С:Enterprise 8.1 Platform. Training Version. Buy online. |
1C:Enterprise 8.1. Training Version
Training version of 1C:Enterprise 8.1 platform is the operating
1C:Enterprise 8.1 platform with the following limitations:
- Data count in documents, catalogs, charts of accounts, charts of characteristics
types and other object tables is limited;
- Record count in table parts and record sets is limited;
- Only one user can work on one infobase at a time;
- Client-server mode is not supported;
- Distributed infobases are not supported;
- COM-connection is not supported;
- Operating with Web-services not supported;
- Password use and Windows-authentication for users are not available;
- Spreadsheets printing and saving are supported in Designer only;
- Performance of training version is lower than 1C:Enterprise 8.1 commercial
Training version lacks hardware and software protection.
Training version lacks hardware and software protection.
If you need additional information please
contact us.
Price: EUR 99
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