This book is a guide that supports the rapid assimilation of techniques for developing
and adapting applications, using the 1C:Enterprise 8 software.
On the basis of examples from an actual application, it demonstrates the structure
of various system objects, their functions and usage. Procedures written in the
built-in language, including those that involve query language, contain detailed
The book is designed for both beginning developers who are unfamiliar with the 1C:Enterprise
software, as well as for those who have already created or supported applications
using this software.
The book can be used both as a practical guide and as a reference book. The concluding
chapters contain a reference to developer's techniques covered in the book with
references to the appropriate sections.
The application used in this book takes into account the accumulated experience
in developing for the 1C:Enterprise 8.
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Who this book is written for?
Do I need this book? This question is on the mind of everyone who first turns to the title page looking for a clear answer.
May be you have never worked with the 1C:Enterprise software before and you would like to find out what it’s all about. May be you have heard of the program and want to understand what its capabilities are. How complicated is it to pick up and use? How much training does it take to set up an application on my own to handle real-world tasks.
If so, this book is for you. All of the material in this book centers around a real world example, through which we demonstrate all the basic techniques for working in the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 environment. We begin our presentation with the simple things and then gradually move to the more complex. As we follow the story, we won’t go into the huge number of details and features in 1C:Enterprise 8.0, most of which you will probably never use. We will guide you along a focused path that will help you get the basics without getting bogged down in trivial. By the middle of the presentation, you will find that you are able to create applications on your own, and by the end of the book you will consider yourself a full-fledged ace, having implemented a real-world solution.
May be you have even already started to working on 1C:Enterprise 8.0 software. This book will also help for you since it has lots of practical examples of how to use the various types of objects. You will find this information both in the course of presentation and in an index at the end of the book. Structuring the book this way allows it to be used as a reference to quickly look up essential information, and as a textbook for explaining the mechanics of usage and providing specific examples.
What does the book use as an example?
By way of an example, through which we will discuss approaches to development in 1C:Enterprise 8.0, we selected the small company “Jack of All Trades” Inc., which provides repair services for a variety of home appliances. By the end of this book, we intend to have used 1C:Enterprise 8.0 to almost entirely automate its processes.
Why did we pick this particular example?
For one thing, most of us are familiar with the services sector. One way or another, we are constantly running into various services. These include home appliance repair, auto service, laundry and dry cleaning, hair stylists and beauty consultants, and many more.
Besides that, the activities in a maintenance business lend themselves to a demonstration of the capabilities in 1C:Enterprise 8.0. Here you find a range of client services, the need to supply the company with the required materials and its expenses in providing services. The work inside this kind of company allows us to look at human resource management and staff payroll accounting. It lets us illustrate the accounting process. Due to this broad range of activities, we can offer broad demonstration of the capability to create various account statements and summary reports using the information on hand.
Section I. Rapid Application Development
- Chapter 1. Getting Your Feet Wet
- Chapter 2. The Catalog
- Chapter 3. Documents
- Chapter 4. Accumulation Register
- Chapter 5. Reports
- Chapter 6. Templates
- Chapter 7. Editing Templates and Forms
Section II. Using the Basic Configuration Objects
- Chapter 1. The Periodic Information Register
- Chapter 2. Enumeration
- Chapter 3. Posting a Document against Multiple Registers
- Chapter 4. Turnovers Accumulation Register
- Chapter 5. Creating Reports
- Chapter 6. Optimizing the Procedure for posting ServicesRendered Documents
- Chapter 7. Chart of Characteristic Types
- Chapter 8. Accounting
- Chapter 9. Chart of Calculation types, Calculation Register
- Chapter 10. Using the Calculation Register
- Chapter 11. Subsystem
- Chapter 12. Interfaces, Roles, and the User List
- Chapter 13. Data Exchange
- Chapter 14. Data Analysis and Forecasting
- Chapter 15. Creating the Opening Balance Input Form
- Chapter 16. There's more than one pitch in baseball
Section III. Special Techniques for Developers
- Chapter 1. Common Techniques
- Managing Collections
- Input on Basis
- Objects "created based on"
- Chapter 2. Forms
- Data and Controls
- Linked Lists
- Changing the data source for a table box
- Changing the Data for a Table Box by Setting the Value Type
- Calculated Columns in Lists
- Table Box Row Appearance
Section IV. Developer's Quick Reference
- Naming Conventions for Variables, Procedures and Configuration Objects
- A Few Words about Configurations
- Objects, objects, objects…
- Catalogs and Documents
- The Point of Time Concept
- The concept of operational and non-operational document posting
- The Default Form Mechanism
- The Configuration Object Editing Window and the
Properties Palette
- Event handlers
- Events Associated with Forms
Working with Collections
- Types of Built-In Language Objects Used to Manage Data
from the Configuration's Application Objects
- Accessing Data
- The Object
- Query Virtual Tables
- Manipulating the Data Contained within Objects
- Catalogs
- Documents
- Enumerations
- Charts of
Characteristic Types
- Charts of Accounts
- Charts of Calculation Types
Information Registers
- Accumulation Registers
- Accounting Registers
Calculation Registers
- Exchange Plans
Section V. Developer's techniques included in this book |