Applied Objects Applied objects are mainly used to simplify the solution of applied business tasks. They help to create and maintain the reference information, to gather information about documents and financial operations and to create accounting registers. Constants As a rule, constants are used in 1C:Enterprise for storing information that is either unchanged or rarely changed in the course of system operations. Constants store information that characterizes an application task in general. Catalogs The system uses "Catalog" type objects for operation with constant and nearby constant data consisting of sets of values. Catalogs are usually lists of materials, products, entities, currencies, employees, etc. You can specify name and structure of a specific catalog when creating it in the designer. Documents Document is one of the basic concepts of 1C:Enterprise system. Input of information about performed business activities, its review and correction are carried out by using documents. Sequences Sequences are designed to ensure document positing in continuous chronological order. A sequence can have dimensions that help the user monitor and maintain the document posting order. You also have access to write log events of individual documents in order. Document Journals Document journals are used to display documents of several types in a single list. Document journal can have several spreadsheet document forms and templates. Enumerations Enumerations are used to work with data elements for which the list of possible values is strictly set in the specified applied task. Reports Use the report to get summary information based on the data that have been input into the system. A report usually contains information receiving and processing algorithms, forms used to organize interface to input algorithms parameters and represent the results of algorithms execution, as well as templates used to represent algorithms execution results in a spreadsheet document. You can use reports, for example, to receive summary data on business activities in certain viewpoints that are necessary for the analysis. Data Processors Data Processors are used to implement different data processing and service options. Usually processing contains data retrieving and handling algorithms, as well as interface forms to input algorithm parameters and output algorithm results. It can also contain templates for outputting algorithm results onto a spreadsheet. Processings can be used to download and upload data for exchange with other applications, to perform maintenance and control operations with database contents, to perform batch processing of documents and catalogs, and it can include universal forms and tools for various configuration objects. External data processors External reports and processors are used to solve the same tasks as "Reports" and "Data Processors" objects, but they are not parts of the configuration and can be stored in separate files. Charts of characteristics types Charts of characteristics types are meant to describe multiple single typed analytical accounting objects. Information registers The main purpose of the information register is to store significant information for a specific combination of values that could be expanded over time. Information registers with information expanded in time are called periodical. Accumulation registers Accumulation registers are used in 1C:Enterprise to store information about availability and changes of funds (material, cash, etc.). Information about financial operations is entered into accumulation registers using documents (recorders) and is used, for example, to get report forms. Other objects Charts of accounts, Charts of calculation types, Business processes, Tasks, Accounting registers, Calculation registers, Universal objects, Exchange plans, etc. Common Objects These objects can be used for solving most application tasks, regardless of the configuration type. These objects include spreadsheets, text documents, objects for working with metadata, etc. More than 50 objects. Interface Objects These objects mainly used for interactive work. These are objects such as a Form, controls, user interfaces etc. Some of them are settings for interface objects, for example: colors, fonts, etc.